An Adventist school principal shares what she learned through her identity journey.

An Adventist school principal shares what she learned through her identity journey.
A pediatric infectious disease specialist provides a rationale for infant vaccination.
Inter-American Division mid-year report highlights God’s provision amid dire challenges.
Across one U.S. region, distribution initiative motivates Hispanics to study, accept God’s truth.
As pandemic-related restrictions are eased, construction plans are moving forward.
Initiative in North New South Wales is scaled down to adapt to the new normal.
Merritt Kellogg reached his arms into the air and had a good stretch. It certainly was peaceful here. The water in the creek was…
The motion is a natural result of church growth in the area, leaders say.
Being vegetarian does not necessarily mean that you are eating healthy or cheaply.
GAiN Europe 2021 event encourages professional development, networking for mission.
In Australia, Karen Stoeckert found a creative way to share the gospel through music.
Can the church help? Some tips on how to converse with those who speak against COVID-19 vaccination.
Hello friends. I hope you have had a wonderful week recognizing the many blessings the Lord has brought to you. As followers of […]
Happy Hands Art Time has been reaching communities in a non-traditional way.
Loma Linda study highlights coping resources in a challenging environment.
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