Experienced and visionary educator died on June 3 at 64.

Arne P. Nielsen, vice president for the Office of Education for the North American Division (NADOE) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, passed to his rest on June 3 after several days in the intensive care unit dealing with complications from an acute illness. He was 64.
“We have lost a tremendous servant of God, a great leader, a true friend, a devoted husband and father,” NAD president G. Alexander Bryant said upon hearing the news of Nielsen’s death. “We especially lift up his wife, Teen, and three sons — Josh, Jake, and Jesse — and offer to this family our most sincere condolences. Though our hearts are broken, we look forward to seeing Arne again.”
“Our hearts are heavy and burdened with the news that Arne Nielsen died early this morning,” General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson wrote in a communication to world church leaders. Wilson, who knew Nielsen’s parents when they were missionaries, continued, “Arne Nielsen was a very committed educator dedicated to the wonderful spiritual asset of Adventist education…. What hope we have in Jesus’ soon return!”
In November 2018, Nielsen was voted to serve as the division’s vice president for education, a role he fulfilled until his unexpected death. Previously he served as the NAD director of secondary education and accreditation from 2014 to 2018.
Larry Blackmer, retired NAD vice president for education, said, “Arne’s gift was in collaboration. He had an open-mindedness that allowed him to strengthen relationships and really build the team at the NADOE. During his time at the NAD, he connected with people, with key stakeholders, and really got them to buy into his vision.”
“Arne Nielsen has been a source of stability and support in the Guam-Micronesia Mission [GMM] for years and has drawn close to many in the islands as he has labored alongside us to reach people with the gospel. His presence will be greatly missed,” GMM president Matthew Kirk said.
From January 2011 to February 2014, Nielsen served as vice president for Integrated Youth Ministries in the Florida Conference, leading Children’s and Family ministries, Youth and Young Adults Ministries, Camp Ministries, and the education department in a joint venture to bring God’s children to discipleship. Before that, he served for four years as superintendent of education in the Florida Conference (from July 2006 to December 2010) and three years as superintendent of education in the Idaho Conference (from November 2003 to July 2006).
“I was fortunate to work as Arne’s assistant while he was the Idaho Conference superintendent of education. He was truly a godly man. No matter how early I arrived at the office, he was already there, deep into his daily Bible study,” said Connie Williams, administrative assistant to the Idaho Conference superintendent of education. “He cared about the teachers.”
Williams added, “Arne’s family was a priority. While his work included many meetings and travel, he always found a way to spend quality time with his family. Arne was very proud of his sons, and his eyes sparkled whenever he spoke about Teen.”
“We would have been happy for Arne to have stayed longer,” said Don Klinger, retired Idaho Conference vice president for administration and planned giving. “He was a team player, supported and appreciated by educators, pastors, office staff, school boards and committees. Adventist education was dear to his heart, and he gave it his full support.”
Impact in the NAD
A lifelong educator, Nielsen thought that the best way to make the most of the students’ potential was by relying on God to lead, building trust and buy-in from educators, developing instructional leaders at the school level, and creating a differentiated system that provides resources and support for educators to grow and flourish.
“Arnie was an easy, informal, comfortable person to work with. He also had a good sense of humor that made our relationship enjoyable,” said Gordon Bietz, retired Southern Adventist University president and retired NAD associate director for higher education. “His legacy enriched education worldwide.”
Early Days: From Ghana to U.S. to Kenya
Nielsen was born in Ghana, West Africa, to missionary parents from Denmark, and his early years on the mission field instilled in him a love of service, a heart for mission, and the ability to connect with people from all walks of life.
After graduating from Andrews Academy in Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States, Nielsen went on to finish a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education/Health at Andrews University in 1983. He landed his first teaching job at Mount Pisgah Academy (MPA) in North Carolina in 1983. He taught physical education, health, and biology lab; coached gymnastics; and served as a boys’ dean. He eventually served as MPA principal from 1991 to 1996. While juggling the responsibilities of a boarding school, Nielsen also completed a Master of Arts in School Administration at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina.
“I consider Arne to have been the best principal I’ve served under,” said John Ratzlaff, retired math and computer teacher from MPA. “Arne had a very level-headed temperament and treated the wide range of staff with consistent respect.”
In 1996, the Nielsen family moved to Africa, where Nielsen spent seven years as principal and business manager for Maxwell Adventist Academy in Nairobi, Kenya.
“Arne Nielsen left a long-lasting legacy at Maxwell Academy. Students, teachers, and staff have been profoundly touched by his love and care. He brought to this East African school a breath of fresh air propelled by his vision of Adventist education in the African context,” Lari Rusenescu, current principal of Maxwell Adventist Academy, said.
The Home Team
In 2020, while working for the NAD, Nielsen earned his PhD in leadership from Andrews University after successfully defending his dissertation titled, “Coaching and Being Coached: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Education Leaders in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.”
Cathy Payne, NAD Adventist Education administrative assistant, shared how Arne created a family environment for his team. “Arne was more than just a supervisor; he was my brother at heart…. Arne cared about people; he always had a smile and kind words to say. He was a rock,” she concluded.
“During the time Arne was VP, our digital footprint grew and developed from expanding data collection for data-informed decisions to the development of AE-Connect, our own student information system,” said Martha Ban, NAD director of technology for education. “Arne was far more than a boss. He was a colleague, sounding board, collaborator, mentor, and friend.”
Hirotaka Stephen Bralley, director of secondary education and accreditation, concurred. “Arne was a shepherd. He was a living model of how to lead diverse individuals through projects that could only be accomplished together.”
“If I were to sum Arne up, I’d say he’s quite simply the epitome of a godly man,” said Marc Grundy, NAD director of higher education marketing. “In my nearly 30 years of working for the church (and this is probably hard to believe), he’s the only boss I actually looked forward to [having] my employee evaluation!”
The newest member of the education team, Juan Antonio Lopez, NAD director of Adventist Colleges Abroad, added, “Arne was able to inspire, help, and sustain our mission during probably the most challenging years since the organization’s inception…. In my personal relationship with him, especially this past year, he has mentored me in many ways with care and wisdom.”
“The Adventist university college presidents universally experienced Arne as a caring, engaged leader who genuinely cared about each campus and its uniqueness,” Andrea Luxton, NAD associate director, higher education, reported. “His positive and passionate belief in the power of Adventist education at all levels was deeply encouraging and inspiring to me personally and to our higher education leaders.”
Leisa Morton-Standish, NAD director of elementary education, underscored Arne’s sense of calling to the teaching ministry: “Arne was very committed to Adventist education. He dedicated his career to serving the church. His passion for mission was evidenced by his years of service at Maxwell Adventist Academy, and the Guam-Micronesia Mission held a special place in his heart.”
“Arne was such a wonderful and gentle boss. He cared for his colleagues and staff, and was always accessible to all of us. We have lost an education giant and a stellar leader!” Evelyn Sullivan, NAD director of Early Childhood Education, said.
My heart goes out especially to his family, whom he loved deeply. May you experience God’s abundant love in a brand new way through caring friends, precious memories, and quiet moments,” expressed Yvonne Tait, NAD Adventist Education administrative assistant.
Kyoshin Ahn, NAD secretary, said, “Dr. Arne Nielsen was a Christian gentleman and a respected colleague. With his infectious smile and gentle spirit, he touched the lives of many and brought people together for a common cause.”
NAD treasurer Judy Glass agreed. “Conversations with Arne were always memorable. He was fully engaged in whatever you were discussing, and his questions and comments were articulate and insightful.”
Arne is survived by his wife, Teen, who has partnered with him in life for more than 40 years; and three sons: Josh, Jake, and Jesse (Noora).
A memorial service will be held at the NAD headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, on Sunday, June 30, at 1:00 p.m. A memorial service will also be held on July 27 at 3:00 p.m. at the Mount Pisgah Academy Seventh-day Adventist Church in Candler, North Carolina.
The original version of this story was posted on the North American Division news site.