Regional leader thanks God for His protection and the world church for its support.

Regional leader thanks God for His protection and the world church for its support.
Initiatives across multiple fronts are proving to be lifesaving, agency leaders say.
Visit seeks to explore paths toward fostering dialogue and understanding, leaders say.
Regional church leaders met with government officials to probe cooperation opportunities.
Churches, schools, and ADRA are working together to assist those who are suffering.
Church ministries are reaching out to give hope to the displaced and hurting.
‘This is a way to live out our faith,’ educational leader says.
Initial assistance response includes delivering hot meals to those displaced.
Country leaders reassure Adventists of their commitment to religious freedom.
Around 400 children, parents, and leaders showcase their activities and initiatives.
South Korea’s primary Adventist educational institution continues thriving in that Asian nation.
A Middle Eastern refugee’s prayers were answered in the way she least expected it.
A theology major in Lebanon shares her journey as she dreams of serving God better.
The story of a Middle Eastern scholar’s search for truth.
An obstetrician in Türkiye comes to grips with tragedy in the wake of the earthquake.
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