News reports 10 shoppers dead after shooting in a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado.

News reports 10 shoppers dead after shooting in a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado.
Lloyd Grolimund’s farm, where the program Aussie Pastor is filmed, is underwater. [Photo: Adventist Record]
Some simple foods can help you enhance your general health to better fight disease.
Government resolution will support parents struggling to cover tuition.
The failures and dead ends of the last year festered within me. Months ago, I prided myself on my ability to “smile and […]
Texas, U.S.-based university students assemble for yearly campus-wide service event.
What does freedom of speech actually entail?
Thousands of Adventist youth around the world will “Be the Sermon” on March 20, 2021.
Officers of the NAD speak out against ethnic violence in society.
The measure of our happiness isn’t a national score but a key relationship in our life
Summit highlights international prayer days, connects members to prayer and praise.
Zina Johnson was among those selected after auditioning with “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.”
Volunteers step up to offer spiritual and physical support to inmates and their families.
One year into our current world health crisis, it may be the time to ask “what,” not “why.”
A rain barrel and an organic farm are among new environmentally conscious initiatives.
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