In Canada, a Native storyteller has been bridging cultural gaps and sharing Jesus for 45 years.

Morningstar turned and fled from an angry, broom wielding woman, who chased her into the pouring rain. As Morningstar ran, the woman yelled, “You get lost with your Bible!”
It was Morningstar’s first attempt at door-to-door evangelism at an Indian Reserve in Ontario, Canada, and it didn’t go well. She quickly learned that she needed some training on how to do this door to door stuff, along with the importance of making friends first, before trying to spread the good news of the gospel. Morningstar went on to make friends with the woman over time and carried on in her ministry undeterred.
That was over 40 years ago.
Retirement hasn’t slowed her down much, and now at 77, she still has her calling to fulfill. That mission is to help bridge the cultural gap between the Indigenous peoples and the immigrants to Canada by teaching them about Jesus. She is an ambassador of sorts, as she embraces both cultures.
Elizabeth Dawn Morningstar Moore is self-described as an Ojibway Indian from Northern Ontario. Morningstar was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and was blessed with Christian parents. Her dad was a lay pastor. She credits her parents for teaching her how to handle racism as a child and teenager. Ironically, when Morningstar became an adult, she found out it was considered fashionable to be Native. Forgiveness was an unknown word and concept in her world, except for her parents’ Christian teachings once again, as they were a living example of turning the other cheek.
While dressed in her traditional female Ojibway apparel, Morningstar pursues her mission, through storytelling about the adventures of sibling characters named Singingstar and Red Hawk. Her audience is a fascinated group of children, of diverse ethnicity, within the Rutland Seventh Day Adventist Church in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
On a particular Sabbath, Morningstar told the children about Singingstar’s experience of being bullied. At the end of her story, she reminds children and adults alike, “Jesus is no respecter of persons; He loves everyone the same, regardless of skin color, age, gender, or if they are rich or poor. He died for us all, and if you were the only person left alive on the planet, he would die for you alone.”
Morningstar has a heart like Jesus and practices what she preaches. She has spent a lifetime helping others, especially children. She has been a storyteller for 45 years, teaching children about Jesus, presenting Him in a language they understand and giving them an opportunity to accept Him as their Savior.
During her career, Morningstar was a school counselor at the Cowichan Indian Band and the Lytton First Nations schools. In Canada, she traveled from Ontario to Alberta and then came to British Columbia. Morningstar has also lived in the U.S. states of New Mexico, Michigan and Arizona, and traveled all across North America before settling in Kelowna.
Local church members believe Morningstar is a great asset to the congregation.
“Morningstar is a true ambassador not only for the children but the adults as well. We enjoy learning of her culture, her knowledge of Ellen White’s writings, and above all, her deep love for Jesus,” they say.