Second Sabbath

“Here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith in Jesus” (Revelation 14:12).
See if you can figure out what the two following stories have in common.
Nadia’s bedroom carpeting had worn out, and her parents said she could choose the color of the new carpet. “Oh, I love that one!” she said, pointing to a roll of pink carpeting. Her mom and dad agreed.
The salesperson said, “That’s a popular choice. In fact, this small roll is a remnant from a much larger roll. The good news is that means I can sell it to you at a discount!”
Elijah had been on the run from wicked Queen Jezebel. Exhausted, he entered a cave to spend the night. He felt so alone!
Suddenly he heard a voice! “Elijah! Why are you here?” It was God speaking to him!
“Lord, God of heaven’s armies,” Elijah responded, “I have always served you the best I could. But the people of Israel have broken their agreement with you. They have destroyed your altars. They have killed your prophets with swords. I am the only prophet left. And now they are trying to kill me, too!”
But God knew Elijah was not the only person left who was serving the true God. He said to Elijah,
“I have left 7,000 people living in Israel. Those 7,000 have never bowed down before Baal.”*
■ What Bible examples of a remnant person or people can you think of? Hint: This group refused to bow down and worship a gigantic golden statue.
■ What responsibilities come with being part of God’s endtime remnant church?
Ask God to show you clearly His end-time remnant people. Invite Him to give you the courage to always follow Jesus and honor the Ten Commandments.
* Quotations are from 1 Kings 19:9-18, ICB.