“I love this book because it has some strange, funny ideas!”

Memory Gem: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching how to live right” (2 Timothy 3:16, ICB).*
Keke walked into this strange “Christian” school to learn English. The American teachers were very kind and patient with him. But they seemed to always use some black book as their lessons.
“Sir, why is this black book so special?” asked Keke curiously. “I have never seen it before.”
“This is the Bible! It’s God’s Word that teaches us to be good,” said Pastor Thompson.
“Really? I must read it. Maybe it can help me change and be good, which my mother would definitely want!” exclaimed Keke with a twinkle in his eyes.
As soon as Keke finished his homework, he opened the black book that he borrowed from Pastor Thompson. “I need to know what’s inside,” Keke mumbled to himself.
“Stop reading that black book, Keke!” Mother demanded. “Don’t get all these strange ideas from these Christians. Don’t forget! We are Buddhists!” warned Mother angrily.
“I love this book because it has some strange, funny ideas! They ask me to be kind to my enemies; turn my left cheek to them if they slap my right one; think of others first; no crying at death; pray without stopping. Wow, I can’t imagine what my friends would say!” exclaimed Keke.
“What has come over you?” snorted Keke’s friends. “You just drop us and don’t play with us anymore,” his friends complained. “No more tricks and pranks. No eating pork. No more fun!”
Months later, Keke went to meet his teacher with an unusual request.
“Pastor Thomson, I need to speak to you right now. I believe in Jesus, the Bible, and everything in this book. I want to be baptized!” Keke declared firmly.
“Praise the Lord!” exclaimed Pastor Thomson.
- How has the Bible helped you in your life at home and at school?
- Which Bible texts specifically speak to your heart?
- Do you find it challenging to keep reading the Bible? Why?
- Is it possible to live our lives according to what the Bible teaches?
Develop a poem or a song about the Bible and its values and share it with your friends at church or at school.
Make a personal timetable for regular daily study of the Bible.