TV Novo Tempo–led event reaches two cities, connects with audience in the north.

The TV Novo Tempo Caravan is now a tradition, an event that engages the network’s presenters across Brazil for a special program that includes interacting with the public. The first two caravans of 2024 recently took place in the states of Pará and Maranhão in northern Brazil.
The group arrived in Marabá, Pará, on May 18, first to promote a health fair in partnership with the local church, as organizers introduced the community to nature’s eight remedies. In addition to sharing information about natural remedies, organizers offered blood pressure check-ups, reflex exams (bioimpedance), blood glucose tests, and body massage free of charge to those who visited the stands. About 120 people completed the various stations. Also, 100 food baskets were distributed, organizers said.
The initiative caught the attention of the press. Two local broadcasters covered the event, which served to highlight the health message of the Bible that the Seventh-day Adventist Church preaches. It also allowed the public to get acquainted with the TV Novo Tempo network, which was broadcast on an open channel in the city.
In the afternoon, the TV Novo Tempo Caravan put together its usual show, with the presentation of mini programs such as Family Clinic, Bible Goodness, Easy Bible, In the Sights of Truth, Identity, Faith for Today, The Voice of Prophecy, and Angels of Hope at the Leonildo Borges Rocha Convention Center, which welcomed about 1,500 people.
On Sunday, May 19, the team traveled four hours east to the city of Imperatriz, Maranhão, where they performed in the early evening to a crowd of around 1,200 people. There, the main guests of the event were people who regularly follow the TV Novo Tempo programs and have already been to an Adventist church. Several people were baptized.
The 2024 version of the TV Novo Tempo Caravan was different from previous years in one aspect: the participation of Aninha, a children’s character from the Angels of Hope project. According to Krys Magalhães, manager of Angels of Hope, “The idea is to show the importance and relevance of children, who can participate in the project and thus contribute to preaching a Bible message.”
For TV Novo Tempo Network general director Antonio Tostes, “The caravans are very important for Novo Tempo, as they are a unique opportunity that we have as a broadcaster to have a direct meeting with our viewers with part of our group of presenters.
“We have the joy of bringing together thousands at the same time, extending our words of gratitude to the audience and strengthening this direct relationship with them, who are the reason for everything we do here,” Tostes said.
The original version of this story was posted on the South American Division Portuguese-language news site.