“Thank You, Jesus, for helping us. Just think, we fed 80 hungry youngsters!” exclaimed the twins with big smiles on their faces…

Memory Gem: “‘Love the Lord your God. Love him with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ Also, ‘You must love your neighbor as you love yourself’” (Luke 10:27, ICB).
Mom, can we prepare food for those street children around our church?” asked the twins, Larinee and Sarinee.
“Great idea, girls!” exclaimed Mom. “But how much money do we need to have to feed every one of them?” asked Mom with a puzzled look.
“Well, maybe in church we can ask every member to donate ingredients for us to use. I’m sure they want to help too,” the twins echoed simultaneously.
“Isn’t this what Jesus said we should do? What is that text in which Jesus said something about helping others?” asked Larinee.
“Yes, in Matthew 25 Jesus said that when we help someone, giving food to the poor, visiting and praying for those in prison, we are doing it to Him. Jesus is our best model for serving others,” explained Papa.
For the next two days, Larinee and Sarinee were busy making telephone calls to church members to ask for donations of vegetables and fruit for their special project.
“Mr. Janu, could you donate some vegetables and other foods for us to cook so that we can feed the street children next Saturday?” explained the twins when they called the head elder.
“That’s an excellent idea, girls! I’m happy to support your project. I’ll ask my wife to help you with the cooking too,” suggested the head elder with a twinkle in his eye.
When Sunday arrived, Larinee and Sarinee, with lots of help from Mama, Mrs. Janu, and several other women from the church, cooked eight big pots of soup. Papa and some elders and deacons of the church helped to transport them to the park, where they met the street children. What a hectic day it was!
“Thank You, Jesus, for helping us. Just think, we fed 80 hungry youngsters!” exclaimed the twins with big smiles on their faces, “We want to be like Jesus!”
- Read Matthew 25:31-41 and discuss why it’s difficult when you follow the model of Jesus in serving others.
- Based on the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25- 37), how can we become modern-day Samaritans?
- Work with your parents or Sabbath School teacher to identify one project you could do to serve like Jesus in your community.
- Find two to three friends and go on a prayer walk around your community to pray for different businesses and families.