After Rebekah De La Cerna’s faith life was transformed, God moved her to inspire others.

Rebekah De La Cerna’s faith journey has been transformed by a simple creative practice: Bible journaling.
“It is the most amazing way to add depth to your devotional life,” De La Cerna said. “My Bible reading has become a lot more personal.”
The part-time nurse and full-time mother of three who attends Spotswood Adventist church in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, is passionate about sharing her newfound creative outlet with others, both in person and online through her Instagram account.
“Colourful Faith is a pretty new ministry. I’ve only been Bible journaling for about a year, but a fire ignited within, and I had to share it.”
Being heavily involved in children’s ministries at her local church, De La Cerna’s journey started when she shared Bible journaling with children in Sabbath school.
“Even though it was for kids, it was well received by mothers in particular, and God impressed me saying, ‘Here is an avenue of ministry for you, why don’t you do a workshop in your church?’”
Following God’s call, De La Cerna has now hosted Bible journaling workshops for both children and adults in local churches, the most recent being attended by about 25 people at Melbourne City Adventist Church. Many attendees have shared with De La Cerna that her creative practice has transformed their spiritual walk.
“My personal devotions have become really personal; it hadn’t been that way in a long time,” one attendee said. “I love knowing that God’s word is personal to me and that he’s actually speaking to me.”
“I’ve been reading my Bible for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve read it with my mind still and slow. And it really works,” said another.
Reflecting on why she began Bible journaling in the first place, De La Cerna said, “It’s a way to track God’s working in your life, [it’s] very tangible and tactile. It forces you to slow down.”
Though she is a naturally creative person, De La Cerna shared, having kids and getting older has limited her ability to spend time being creative and making art. She believes that Bible journaling is the perfect medium to develop new inspiration and be intentional about your relationship with God.
“The beauty of journaling is that it is consciously setting aside time to spend with God. We usually rush to read our Bible; we’re so busy. But [Bible journaling] forces you to slow down, gives God a chance to speak to you. It’s amazing how much I’ve heard God speak to me — more than ever before.”
De La Cerna is excited to run more workshops in the future and to share her craft with both church members and others.
“A workshop is a safe place to invite non-Adventists and non-Christians. You are there for a workshop and a purpose, and it’s less intimidating being in a hall or room than in a church. I provide all the materials; all [the church] needs to do is provide a space.”
At De La Cerna’s workshops, everyone receives a pack that they can take home, filled with basic craft items, tutorials, and printouts they can use for their Bibles at home. Attendees are free to journal in their Bible or in a separate notebook if they feel more comfortable with that choice.
“When we advertise, we give them the option. Many are not comfortable journaling in their Bible because it’s a holy and sacred book, not a notepad. Bible journaling can be done in a prayer journal or Bible study journal, and many people do that as well.”
At her workshops, De La Cerna encourages churches to provide afternoon tea and hot drinks.
“The purpose is to bring people together,” she said. “Food means opening and bonding a lot more. In Acts, the early church would always break bread together.”
The original version of this story was posted by Adventist Record.