At meetings near Kathmandu, regional leaders are encouraged to a renewed commitment to mission.

“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Enlarge my territory’ ” (1 Chron. 4:10). A similar earnest cry erupted in the heart of the leaders of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church after church leaders added new territories to that region. The country of Nepal was one of four nations added to the NSD in late 2023.
NSD president Yo Han Kim and other regional Adventist leaders visited Nepal (Himalayan Section of Seventh-day Adventists) November 24 to December 1. On November 27, Nepal year-end meetings were held at Banepa Seventh-day Adventist Church, near the capital city of Kathmandu. Local churches leaders, ministries, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Nepal, and Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital participated.
During a special presentation to local and regional church leaders, Kim focused on unity as the essential element for success in mission. Kim called all the leaders of the Seventh–day Adventist churches and institutions to work together for the fulfillment of God’s mission, leaving differences behind to expand His work in Nepal.
Among the four countries newly added to the NSD, Nepal is the most challenging field, according to Kim. “But with God’s wisdom and guidance, we shall fulfill together the task He has given us,” Kim said.
Kim also called local leaders to revival and reformation. He appealed to leaders to be always ready to teach Bible truth, implement mission, and love church members under their care. He also called leaders to look for the “lost sheep” and to live moral and godly lives.
Working Together
According to Kim, leaders can reach these and other goals when they work together. He called leaders to be more involved in the life of their churches and members, “training them, sharing the church’s vision, and helping and challenging them to be more effective in practical ministry.” Kim also called leaders to visit and challenge members to get involved in mission and faithful stewardship. And they should have a heart to reclaim those who have left the church, he said.
The work of the Adventist Church in Nepal is going through major transformations, Kim said, and leaders need to respond quickly. “You are the protagonists here,” Kim told church leaders. “If you do not change, if you do not lead the way in reform, there is no future for the Holy Spirit.”
Mission Challenges and Opportunities
In the next few minutes, Kim shared some ideas, based on his experience as a pastor and leader, on how to start making changes that will increase the Adventist mission footprint across Nepal. It is a process that includes not only planning but also implementation oversight, he said. “Before a project or initiative is approved and funded, there is usually a lot of time and work invested, typically with Treasury, to justify the cost of the project,” Kim explained. “It involves evaluating the funding model, examining budgets, reviewing proposals, addressing contract issues, and so on. But after the pre-approval process is complete, what happens next?”
Kim called for integrating digital strategies in ministry, coordinating and integrating new projects to existing initiatives. He also called for ongoing oversight, coordination of project outcomes, and integration of technology into mission.
NSD leaders visited other church and outreach centers across Nepal that are run by independent supporting ministries in Pokhara, Hetuda, and Dapchha. Church leaders said they appreciated the ministries’ commitment to the Lord and encouraged ministry leaders to work in harmony with church structures and policies.