God has always longed to communicate with His created beings. Before sin entered this world He walked and talked with Adam and Eve […]

God has always longed to communicate with His created beings. Before sin entered this world He walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. After the Fall, this was no longer possible, as sinful human beings would be consumed by His divine presence.
Not wanting to abandon us, however, God created
another way to give His special messages of instruction,
warning, reproof, and love to His people—the gift of prophecy. God’s prophets
are so important that the Bible assures us, “Surely the Lord God does nothing,
unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
The theme for this Week of Prayer is “Faithful to His Prophets,” and
throughout the week we will consider several important questions regarding
this remarkable gift of prophecy, including “Why did God send prophets?”
“What moved prophets to deliver their messages?” “What are the marks of a
true prophet?” “How should we interpret the prophetic word?” and more.
In the daily readings Marcos and Claudia Blanco will lead us in consider-
ing this important topic through their thoughtful and inspiring articles.
Capping off the week is a sermon, “A Prophet to God’s End-time People,”
featuring the writings of Ellen G. White and her strong emphasis on the
Bible as the sole rule of faith and practice.
I encourage you to set aside time each day to study and pray during this
special Week of Prayer. I am certain that the Lord will abundantly bless as
we come together as a world church family, focusing on faithfulness to His
prophets in anticipation of Christ’s soon return.