Our theme this week is “Reach the World: Faithfulness in Christian Lifestyle.”

Just before His ascension, Jesus Christ gave His followers an important commission—to reach the world for Him (see Matt. 28:18-20).
Our theme this week is “Reach the World: Faithfulness in Christian Lifestyle.” What does Christian lifestyle have to do with reaching the world for Christ? A lot. Because who we are as Christians is revealed by how we live. What are our values and priorities? How do we spend our time and resources? What kind of life are we living?
“What is it to be a Christian? It is to be like Christ,” stated Ellen White.* He is our example, and only through His grace and power can we be faithful to His calling as we lean completely on Christ and His Word.
During this week we will explore some very important topics, beginning with the Bible as the foundation for Christian lifestyle. We’ll look at how kingdom values inform Christian living, and how Christian virtues guide our lives. Health is a very important aspect of the Christian lifestyle. As we see Christ as our model, we’ll be truly encouraged and inspired. Christian lifestyle and media and sexuality
and the Christian life will also be addressed. We’ll end this special week with “Living in the End-time: Christian lifestyle and last-day events” by Ellen White.
I hope you’ll join me in exploring the connection between Christian lifestyle and reaching the world for Christ. Let’s humbly pray for the promised latter rain of the Holy Spirit and the power only He can give in helping us to live our lives for Him.
* Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases (Silver Spring, Md.: Ellen G. White Estate, 1990), vol. 9, p. 230, egwwritings.org/?ref=en_9MR.230.1¶=59.1290.