Online certification program strengthens leaders’ sense of value, organizers said.

More than 1,200 Adventist women’s ministry leaders in the West Indonesia Union Mission recently completed level 4 of their leadership certification training through an online seminar. The certification program from the General Conference (GC) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church focuses on empowering and equipping Adventist women for various leadership and church-related roles.
“The Women’s Ministries Leadership Certification program empowers our women as they serve in leadership positions,” Virginia Baloyo, Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) women’s ministries director, said. “Aside from leadership skills, the curriculum from levels I to IV includes Bible, history, philosophy, and how to do nurture and outreach programs. It also includes how to develop or improve one’s skills in writing, speaking, and dealing with people,” Baloyo added.
Women leaders joined in various online activities and workshops that follow the Adventist World church theme “I Will Go.”
Adventist women leaders from the GC and the SSD attended the online event and facilitated the Bible readings, spiritual messages, testimonies, and workshops.
Heather-Dawn Small, GC women’s ministries director, and Raquel Arrais, its associate director, delivered messages on empowering women in different responsibilities that God has called them to be a part of.
Besides Baloyo, other women leaders facilitated various activities and seminars during the two-day gathering, including retired SSD women’s ministries director Helen Gulfan and regional women’s leaders in Jakarta.
The series of presentations covered topics on mentoring women, equipping leaders for success, women’s leadership in the Bible, leadership mentoring for the 21st-century woman, and Jesus’ leadership model. Leaders said topics were designed to encourage women to practice and apply principles inside the church and in their daily lives, thus becoming an inspiration to others.
“During [the COVID-19] pandemic, we are happy for what we have, grateful for this modality of learning which gathered thousands at zero travel cost,” Baloyo said. “Fellowship and greetings may be limited, but the chatbox burned with conversations! Our smiles were just as wide and friendly.”
Women’s ministries is about following the footsteps of Christ and revealing His character in physical, social, mental, and spiritual aspects of existence, leaders explained. Results show a reflection of who Christ is and enable others to see Jesus in their lives. Against this background, “the certification program strengthens women leaders’ sense of value and directs them to their responsibilities in the church and the community,” they said.
The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.