Simple practices can help you cope with the uncertainty of current conditions.

Simple practices can help you cope with the uncertainty of current conditions.
Euro-Asia Division president shares a message with church leaders and members.
Avoiding the traps and pitfalls of a season in close quarters.
Voice of Prophecy speaker Shawn Boonstra talks with Bill Knott about how Coronavirus has reshaped one of the largest Adventist evangelistic efforts in […]
What Jesus said about worrying can help you navigate uncertain circumstances.
What does that really mean?
Church leaders issue a call to pray for those affected and for health-care professionals.
First residents test positive after a concert by Sandi Patty, who is fighting the virus.
Adventist Review launches Pivot Points series of virtual panel conversations to provide practical insights
Adventist humanitarian arm is assisting residents and members across the nation.
This will be the fifth time that a General Conference session has been postponed, and the second time that more than five years elapses between sessions.
What makes a natural disaster an “act of God?” Is God the one behind the typhoons, the locust plagues—and this mysterious virus now […]
Staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can bring unexpected perks.
Regional church president calls members to come near to God and reach out to others.
Rescaled event to take place May 2021
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