Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series interviews a panel of experts to find out.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Adventist Review Ministries is continuing a series of teleconference conversations with experts in their fields to address a variety of questions that have emerged. The series is called Pivot Points and conversations will range from health to theology and will focus on practical insights.
This second conversation is called “Safe and Sound” and deals with the facts and myths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Our guests are Peter Landless, a physician and director of Health Ministries at the world headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; Albert Reece, a physician and vice president and dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Maryland; and Angeline David Brauer, a public health professional and director of Health Ministries of the Adventist Church in North America. The conversation is facilitated by Bill Knott, executive editor at Adventist Review Ministries.
We hope that you will find the conversation both informative and hopeful and that you will share it with others.