“…I could really use an honest Christian trucker.”

“…I could really use an honest Christian trucker.”
How can we prevent it?
What is the conscience, and what is its purpose?
Missionaries to the South Pacific*
A beginning without end
Strength in collaboration
This quest for God, this hunger for Him, this thirst for a deeper understanding of Him, results in a deeper love for Him.
Ellen White on perseverance
Giving up may mean giving up God’s best for your life.
We all play a role.
When there are no quick answers
God has the perfect solution for false speech and its consequences.
La Sierra University students fundraise and send dozens of care packages.
Heroes 2 engages users for a journey through Scripture.
Twined within our perseverance is the expectation of things better—even glorious—that makes our waiting purposeful.
© 2017 Adventist World