Oakwood University event reminds participants the key role of Adventist education.

Oakwood University event reminds participants the key role of Adventist education.
Congregation proves to be a meeting hub for the community, leaders said.
Patmos Chapel in Apopka, Florida, is finding novel ways of engaging the community.
Facing the legacy of colonization in the South Pacific
Dholah-Roddy is serving as associate director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries.
He mentored professionals and garnered support for Adventist students at public schools.
Gary Griffiths’ life was positively impacted by Loma Linda University Health care.
Residents say moving there was the best choice they ever made.
The Adventist Church’s General Conference Executive Committee voted on June 29.
They distributed food and helped clean debris in affected areas in southern Brazil.
“There’s got to be a reason why I’m still here,” a thankful Floyd Butler says.
ADRA initiative in Uganda is changing women and girls’ health, especially in rural areas.
Across the South Pacific, many have decided to experience it firsthand.
GLOW tracts keep helping Adventists reach out to people in need of finding God.
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