We revel in the victories grace has won, Is winning, And will win.

We are not wise like magi,
Or powerful like Herod.
And few can claim nobility
By birth or social climbing.
But God—this Child who sleeps in straw—
Has chosen us to worship at His cradle.
So we rejoice in commonness;
We gladly play the fool for Him.
For we have glimpsed in Bethlehem
The power that holds all things together—
The love that seeks us out, surrounds us, will not let us go.
We stand in warm, strong light that cannot be extinguished;
“For the light shines in the darkness,
And the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).
We revel in the victories grace has won,
Is winning,
And will win.
There is no doubt—nor can there be—about the final outcome.
So come, now: bend the knee.
Lean forward with a glowing heart.
This is an hour for adoration.
And stay in grace.