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We live with gratitude when we are sure of grace.

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Your story—ups and downs and still unfinished—is still a testament to grace.

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God Sounds Like Bert

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope, for then there is room for more of God and His rule.”

4 Min Read

What Are You Afraid Of?

The other day I was scared of a grocery bag. Really. The bag was blowing across the lawn, and when I first caught […]

2 Min Read


Grace trusts, grace hopes, grace makes new covenants. 

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If ever we are good, it’s only because God’s goodness flows through us.

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A PNG Christmas

“I now understand what ‘loveable’ means,” one of the young people proclaimed. “It means forgetting myself and diving deep into the needs of someone else.”

4 Min Read

“What Are They Among So Many?”

We finally find Shanifa* standing by the statue waiting for us in Bourj Hammoud, a poor, crowded suburb in Beirut, Lebanon. We have […]

4 Min Read

When God Called Dorcas to Do Something Big

Eleven-year-old Dorcas from Papua New Guinea attended children’s Bible camp in a town almost two hours from her home. She loved the crafts […]

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Mom’s Prayer

Brenda ran to meet me, ready to shout at me for taking so long, eager to hug me for still being alive, and worried about my leg.

4 Min Read

Jesus Is Your Forever Friend

When Brawn Kyan was 6 years old, his Buddhist parents sent him to the Seventh-day Adventist school to learn English. He learned much […]

2 Min Read

When God Paid a Big Bill

God Will Take Care of You
He may do it in strange ways, but He always does it!

2 Min Read