What kind of advice would Joseph, Moses, and Esther have for me?

What kind of advice would Joseph, Moses, and Esther have for me?
One of the most important decisions we make in our lives is related to happiness and joy.
Happiness is traditionally linked to the external environment and circumstances we do not always control. Like the bearing of sunshine or rain on our mood or weekends versus working days, happiness is often something we have very little or zero influence over.
When pursuing happiness, we focus on weekends and live for vacations. We might even feel empty and sad when a specific person is not around, or even that our self-worth depends on the good evaluation made by superiors. This kind of happiness leads to insecurity, fear, and emptiness.
On the other side is joy. And surprisingly, we can choose joy. As experts remind us: “Happiness is a destination; joy is a state of mind.” We choose to be joyful regardless of the external environment, people, or circumstances. It is something we can do when we acknowledge that God is in control of all the details of our lives, and are determined to praise Him no matter what happens.
For some people, true happiness, joy, and life satisfaction come from living life based on clear values and purpose. These people experience joy regardless of circumstances. One of them recently shared this experience with me.
“During the past 10 years my professional life has changed a lot. God’s purpose for my life became clearer; events that followed changed me. I decided not to allow any external circumstances or people to shape me into something I do not choose to be. I decided to bring joy into my life.
“I dreamed of living a fuller life with God. What helped me along the way were traffic signs in the form of my core values: love, wisdom, inspiration, courage, and kindness. They are keeping me on the right road and are directing my path in the right direction. I chose the courageous life of serving humanity over the comfort of seeking false pleasures. I’m pushed way out of my comfort zone, but I experience true meaning, purpose, and joy.”
Making the bold decision to live filled with joy is only the beginning of the road less traveled. Once we go down that path, we won’t want to go back to our old, safe existence.
In our world, comfort is so overrated that the decision for a life greater than ourselves is considered a naive act of hopeless dreamers. But there, and only there, true joy can be found and maintained.
When God moves, it is rarely safe, but it is always right. It might even not be seen as joy at first. Joseph was enslaved. Moses confronted Pharaoh. Esther was threatened by genocide. As difficult as it may seem, when we step out in faith to experience joy we can trust that God’s way is better than ours.
Biblical heroes were often called to live an unusual life of serving humanity at crucial moments of human history. The divine call was not safe, even less comfortable. I wonder what kind of advice Joseph, Moses, and Esther would have for me? Would they encourage me to stay in my comfort zone and stay silent about injustice, poverty, and systematic exclusions? Or would they advise me to speak up and act in a kind and loving manner?
A long time ago I made my decision. I chose joy.