In Georgia, local Adventist group ministers to Burundi, DRC, and Rwanda newcomers.

In Georgia, local Adventist group ministers to Burundi, DRC, and Rwanda newcomers.
Adventist leaders call on government officials to have God’s Word in high regard.
There is no greater joy than laughing with a former enemy.
ASi seminar presenter calls victims to allow God to lead in the process of restoration.
The hospital has moved to Silver Spring and is now called Adventist Healthcare White Oak Medical Center
In Albania and Lithuania, pilot discipleship event empowers youth for increased engagement.
New tool puts patient health information at their doctor’s fingertips, its designers say.
In Curaçao, English and Dutch Caribbean regions meet for ‘Cast Deeper’ joint congress.
Remembering September 11, 2001.
Leaders said they hope pastors and seminary students now have better tools to act.
Site includes improvements to help users develop fun and life-changing programs.
Donald Robinson served faithfully in Africa and the United States.
Government officials call participants to join the crusade against hate speech and illegal drugs.
12,000-square-foot center uses artificial intelligence to inform decision making.
Relief efforts are underway as church members go out to assist their neighbors.
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