How do we make friends and influence people regarding who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe?

How do we make friends and influence people regarding who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe?
A volume for the times.
Loneliness waits for no season, but there are things we can do to help ourselves.
One stayed, one strayed
“My heart is breaking.” We’ve heard the phrase a dozen times today as media report the Russian assault on Ukraine. We’ve heard it […]
A Christmas story
One encounter with a homeless man revolutionized my view of the Christmas story.
The failures and dead ends of the last year festered within me. Months ago, I prided myself on my ability to “smile and […]
Who are the “least of these”?
Laypeople and leaders team up in an unprecedented project to educate Adventists about the three angels’ messages.
Firsthand report of post-Pearl Harbor attack
Challenges and opportunities
World Bank International Development Association [IDA] director talks with AW about service, faith, and life.
What Christians should know about Halloween
My one (and only) healthy addiction.
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