A blog and radio program helped them connect with a large audience in the community.
Exercising Every Day Has Been Such an Incredible Blessing
Adventist pastor has been running for years. Every. Single. Day.
No Matter How Old You Get, the Lord Will Find a Way to Use You’
How one volunteer’s willingness found her a place to serve in southern Kenya
ADRA Women Leaders Inspire Inclusion through Life Stories
Agency commemorates Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day.
Young Adult Tour’s Fourth Stop Engages Members in Mid-America
Message zeroes in on encouraging all generations to grow together in faith.
In Korea, 75 Percent of a Local Church Completes Bible Reading Plan
Challenge becomes a driving spiritual force at Geumcheon Haneulsaem congregation.
‘God Would Never Let Me Go.’
A young adult in Australia shares how the Lord led through her spiritual ups and downs.
How I Became an Adventist Teacher
Teaching can be a low-paying job with long hours and hard labor. And yet …
Jamaican Official Urges Adventist Churches to Protect and Prioritize Children
Protecting children is not just a responsibility but also a divine calling, she says.
When We Answer the Call to Help ‘The Least of These’
Adventist Community Services keeps looking for news ways to involve church members in serving others.
Maranatha Service Program for 18-28 Year Olds Successful Debuts in Peru
Collegiates are inspired and empowered while serving on a freshly rebranded trip.
How a Cancer Support Program Helps Families
Kettering Health has adopted the CLIMB initiative to assist patients’ kids.